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Have you any pets???
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Singapore / 新加坡
Member Since: March 27, 2004
entire network: 1,114 Posts
KitMaker Network: 135 Posts
Posted: Monday, January 05, 2009 - 02:08 AM UTC
Mike, Synder looks really cool!!

Jeff, what breed is Willie..? looks similar to mine.

Here's our baby girl "Missie" around 3 years old. We adopted her in July last year. She was brought into a privately run animal welfare centre some years back when she was around a year old, found on the streets with a fractured leg.
We "fought" for some time to convince the owner of the centre to let us adopt her.. Missie is a perfect dog, totally sweet, totally lovable and seems to love the company of people and other animals. She has these big soulfull eyes that talk to you..
She's also a pretty tough and brave cookie...Many a times we meet other big dogs on the lease on the streets,some of them charge at her or bark and growl - but she just stands her gorund with a clam disposition.
Since I work at home, she's perpetually by my side.. Poor girl doesn't know to play ball and such like other dogs do. We tried in vain for awhile but with no success.
Only a couple days back I tried again and suddenly she just "fetched" the ball I threw and came back to give it to me! And so everyday we'll all have our ball time-and treats for her!

Next I'm going to try the Frisbee!

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Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Member Since: March 24, 2008
entire network: 1,247 Posts
KitMaker Network: 14 Posts
Posted: Monday, January 05, 2009 - 03:54 AM UTC
This is my dog: Max, a Harzer Fuchs

Together with his brother (which isn't ours)


All these photo's were taken at least a year ago. He's three atm.
