Bringing Out the Details


Dials and instrument panels.

The effects achieved by drybrushing to bring out the details on instrument panels are most effected by the quality of the kit’s molding. Obviously, in order to bring out the details they need to be there in the first place.
The technique is basically the same-a little paint applied sparingly. The difference being that instead of a lightened base color we use straight white.
A fine brush is used to apply the paint only into the dials and on the top surface of any knobs/buttons. Use your reference to determine if any colors are to be used. Examples of this are the red or yellow caution lights. I also like to use blue and green to add color to my cockpits. While this may not be 100% realistic I believe it does add to the overall effect. A dab of future in the dial faces after the drybrushing adds that glass look.

Well we should be about ready to assemble the interior and join the fuselage halves (depending on your kit). Next week I’d like to quickly re address the wash/drybrush techniques as they apply to armor kits, and then talk about seams. - Mike T.

©2002 All text and images by Mike Taylor. All rights reserved.

About the Author

About Mike Taylor (modelguy2)


Ah, so that how you do it, eh? I guess I underestimated the importance of clear coats in washes. I tried one on my M60A2.... lets just say no one other than my parents will ever see that model again. Now, if someone'll make an article about figure painting I'd have most of the basics covered! YodaMan Go Red Wings!!!
APR 25, 2002 - 08:56 PM
Interesting Article I will have to try it out. Thanks DAGGER: A weapon with a short pointed Blade "THE CUTTING EDGE"
APR 25, 2002 - 09:21 PM
O.K., you wanted to discuss the article right? A very nice article modelguy2, aka, Mike Taylor. Written in an easy-going style that is quite enjoyable. I am constantly having that battle though. Enamels vs. acrylics. I like the colour availablity in the enamels (humbrol for example). But I prefer the ease and speed of the acrylics ( when I finally get the time to sit down and model, I really have to take advantage of that time). As to washes, I used pretty much the same technique as your article discribes, sans the Q-tip. I would have another brush that was immediately handy and 'dry wipe' off any extra residue with it. I finally discovered (after much deliberation) oil washes. I have never really 'gone back'. The richness of the oil pigments only adds to the colour variation as a whole, and the 'working time' of the oils allows a degree of control that is just simply not present in either enamels or acrylics. Your mention of using the washes to create shadowing, especially in illustrating the 'correct' way in which a shadow would fall (away from windows) is a small, but very important point. The eye will subconciously pick up little things like that that are wrong. Good call Mike. A well written article, difinitely prize material. Tread.
APR 25, 2002 - 10:03 PM
That is a good article. Well done Mike. I wish that article was available about 3 or 4 months ago!
APR 25, 2002 - 10:48 PM
I updated this story with part 2 so that it would meet the contest's 1000 word requirement. Airbrushing is covered in part 2. Jim
APR 27, 2002 - 07:04 AM
Very well written article Mike! A couple new ideas for me. And all those models. :-)
APR 27, 2002 - 07:32 AM
Mike, a well written, well spoken, and excellent instruction of how to use these 2 techniques, that are a must do for creating a realistic & accurate finish on any model. These techniques are what makes the difference between a great model or having one with a toy like appearance - like I said, they are a "must do". Also great models ! They show your talent & skill & are proof of what results one can achieve by your article. I Agree - Definitely a prize winning article ! GREAT JOB MIKE ! - ralph
MAY 18, 2002 - 03:50 PM
Yoda - Get over to my house, and I'll help you out first hand. What do like painting with Enamels or acrylics ? - I have an excellent article I can email you on painting faces with acrylics by Lynn Kessler. But I myself like oils & enamels. - ralph
MAY 18, 2002 - 03:56 PM
Good article covering the basics.Myself I use oils for all my washes as wellas drybrushing. I should add that it's on top of acrylic base coat, mainly for their longer work time and richness of color. Would love to see a comprehencive article on 1/35 figure painting
JUN 23, 2004 - 10:38 AM
Great article, looking forward to the next one.
JUN 23, 2004 - 02:29 PM