Sunday, April 20, 2003 - 07:32 PM UTC
From 12th to 13th of April modellers, traders and friends of the most beautiful hobby in the world met near the Austro-Hungarian border.

Despite the fact, that this year fewer attendants and exhibits than 2002 came to this event, it was worth sowing up there. Those who found time also to sneak around the numerous retailer shops, besides watching the models and worrying about some international contacts, were - despite raising prices - most likely rewarded with some favourable purchase.

Due to the good traffic infrastructure citizens of several countries such as Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia and others were to be seen in the Exhibition hall "Flesh Karoly", which provided generous conditions for the exhibitors.

The quality of exhibits, especially with the figures category, was excellent. What a pity, that this years many of the diorama modellers shined by absence. But as compensation all friends of the former WAPA-countries vehicles saw a lot of interesting items.

The prizes of the competitions could be gained within not less than 44 categories. (Nobody was eager to change place with the IPMS-Austria chairman, who had to make severe judgements as a jury-member!).

More pictures at:
Wikingers Panzermodellbau and
The Luftwaffe in Scale

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