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first post so a little nervous
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Auckland, New Zealand
Member Since: July 13, 2004
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Posted: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 - 05:23 PM UTC
Sorry James I am still learning my self about the photography but I can help you by letting you in on a hot tip for this weekends rugby put your money on the All Blacks to win LOL.

All joking aside a great game of rugby coming up. Are you going?

A return of Graeme Henry to his old stamping ground.


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Wales, United Kingdom
Member Since: October 24, 2005
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Posted: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 - 06:11 PM UTC
don't worry Sean, John has already given me some tips.You wish. No I'm not going, but i did see the All Blacks in their way to the stadium yesterday to, train i think . Quick question, I'm having trouble with humbrols matt varnish, it's drying gloss, any explanation why?
thanks James
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Auckland, New Zealand
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Posted: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 - 10:08 PM UTC

How old is the matt Varnish? Old stuff can go off for no reason. How are you applying it? What are you thinning it with? What type of paint surface are you sealing?


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Wales, United Kingdom
Member Since: October 24, 2005
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Posted: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 - 11:58 PM UTC
it's not very old at all. I'm using the stuff in a can. I'm applying it over Vallejo acrylics. someone at time lines suggested mixing 50/50 tamiya flat base and clear with a touch of tamiya thinner and applying it with an airbrush, I'll give that a try.
thanks James
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Auckland, New Zealand
Member Since: July 13, 2004
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Posted: Saturday, December 02, 2006 - 11:39 PM UTC
Hi Ethan

How did you get on with the Flat coat issue.

Hopefully better than the Welsh against the All Blacks. LOL

I warned you.

Next year will be the true test and I personally have not written of the Welsh but now England has lost its coach I have to consider writing them off for both the six nations and a successful defence of the World Cup.

