Community Forum: Canada
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Election mail
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Ontario, Canada
Member Since: January 17, 2006
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Posted: Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 10:25 PM UTC

Quoted Text

Damn liberals called me the other night to see if they could count on my support.

Do other parties do this?? Or are they that scared that they are telemarketing for votes?

LOL, they called me too. Only one I've heard from so far this election. I grilled 'em for a while before I told them I was undecided (I'm not, I voted in the advanced poll last week) I just wanna see 'em sweat! :-)
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Ontario, Canada
Member Since: September 15, 2005
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Posted: Sunday, January 22, 2006 - 01:59 AM UTC
The Liberals called me too,.... funny enough,..... it was a long distance call asking for support for the local candidate?!?!?!.....

I hope the following does not sound too much like a rant.....

Just for the record, I'm going to vote for PC, even though I can't stand S. Harper!, (I'd vote PC a lot more willingly with Peter M. as their leader).... I cannot in good conscious, vote for the entrenched, corrupt Liberals on this election..... they need a massive overhaul!!

I like his platform on reorganizing the military, and his stance on the Senate...... everything else I see about him, I disagree with,.... seperation of state and religion (his religious views wil hopefully not surface),...... further destabilization of out health care system,..... protection of our natural resources (from the big elephant south of us!),.... his stance on handguns (sorry, folks, I know it's not a popular view in these circles, but as long as you the legal hand gun owner cannot guarantee the safety of your piece from thieves, then you the legal hand owner should not own one!) and his willingness to buddy up to George 'W' Bush (cringe!!!!!)

So I will do my duty and go to the polls tomorrow, and check off my ballot, and pray I have not become part of the problem.........

I'l hope for a minority government, one with Harper's PC's on the floor, and with Jack L. and hopefully a new Liberal leader as the social fabric conscious for us all...

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Ontario, Canada
Member Since: December 19, 2004
entire network: 884 Posts
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Posted: Sunday, January 22, 2006 - 02:54 AM UTC
I wonder how many Liberal candidates are hoping to hell they don't win tomorrow and thus avoiding having to sit in the oppostion bench's.

I am looking at you Belinda. :-) Actuyally it would be funny if she did win!

I am not worried about Harpers religious convictions or his future relationship with Dubya.

In regards to the US I would rather have us on friendlier terms then having a governmant calling them childish names. As the US goes so do we. I am not saying we need to kiss Bush's butt, however a more civil relationship is well overdue. Its just cheap politics bashing them. Bricks and glass houses and all that.

Its time for a change in Canada. 12 years is to long for any party to rule no matter who they are.

No matter what happenson Tuesday morning the sun will still shine and the seasons will still change no matter what the Liberals will tell you.