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RR27: A year in review...
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Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 - 01:16 AM UTC
A year in review...

RR27 (Rudi Richardson Year 27) was a both busy and interesting year... here are my highlights... okay, there were a lot more... here are 2.... :-)

RR27 day 2 saw me joining this great modelling forum, which in the year led me to make over 7000 registered friends - sure I didn't actually meet all 7000, some I didn't even like, but I still consider the vast majority friends. In the year (okay... almost a year give or day a day!) I have managed to rack up just over 1500 posts. Hopefully most of them were useful to some, and perhaps even one or two made people think. I am proud to note that I was voted into a seat of terrible power - I was made (drum roll....) Moderator of the South African Community Forum! How I handled the pressure and responsibility, I have not idea. It is very difficult to keep about 3 regular posters in check! Of course the proudest moment was when I was approached to join the staff. I finally got my ticket to Armorama Island aboard SS Armorama! Hooray! Sadly I have spent more time in the last year talking about modelling than actually modelling; I managed to complete a single 1/16 scale figure. Never mind that I started 1 artillery piece and 2 metal figures and grow my stash by about 400%. It's what you actually complete that counts! Good intentions never got anyone anywhere - actions speak louder than words! :-)

On a more personal note, the missus and I bought a house. Now, before you start congratulating me, this also proved to be more pain than it's worth. We have been in legal dispute about the room which is destined to become my hobby room (if you speak to me that is, according to my wife it could be a nice dining room... yuck, that means the in-laws would eat by us more often!). But hopefully by this time next year it will be resolved - yup, the wheel of justice turns slowly in SA. But I'll get you Jan van Niekerk, I'll get you! And I'll make you pay!

So here are my resolutions for RR28... Build more models. Complete more models. Shrink the stash. Grow the stash. Travel - anywhere and everywhere. Complete my bachelor's degree - about time, I've been busy with it on and off for the last 9 years. Get my Microsoft certifications. Be more patient and kinder - specifically to my wife. Control my temper. Be more accepting. Be a better human, by being less human. Heal my soul. Visit my father's grave more. Care about the living as much as the dead. Discover who the orginal "Kitshoff" was. Discover who the original "Richardson" was. Complete more of the family trees. Get off my lazy arse and start fencing again. Join a gym. Try to stick to this list...

In case you hadn't figured it out... today has been day 1 of RR28... yup, it's me birthday!

And you're all invited to join me for a drink on Saturday night! If you can't be there in person, I'm sure you'll all be there in spirit. I'll have a drink on each of you... all 7000 plus of you... boy is it going to be a loooong evening... LOL
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Florida, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 - 01:32 AM UTC
A very happy 28 th Birthday, have one on me...... Do you take paypal??? :-) :-) :-)
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Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 - 01:35 AM UTC
Happy Bday Rudi...have one on me ..or three
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England - South West, United Kingdom
Member Since: August 07, 2004
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Posted: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 - 03:37 AM UTC
Van Harte Gefeliciteerd Rudi...

Proost Hic..anawar wan? Hic..

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Moselle, France
Member Since: May 15, 2005
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Posted: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 - 08:01 AM UTC
Joyeux anniversaire Rudi!

I myself bought a house two years ago and didn't regret it one second! But I didn't had to fight for my modelling room in the basement! :-)

Good luck to both of you!
