New York, United States

Occupation: Historian
Username: Furry


About Furry
What's to say?... I was raised outside Chicago, but find myself in Western New York as a result of employment with a small historic site, where I serve as research director. I modeled extensively as a kid, but as usual, got out of it in college & grad. school. I convinced my wife several years ago that the time spent rekindling my interest in modeling would keep me off the streets. In exchange for her indulgence, each of the British tanks I create bears one of her childhood nicknames ("Furry") Yeah, I know.... sappy, drip, drip. But hey, it saves explaining all those credit card bills to hobby shops!! My main modeling interest at the moment is British armour, but I also enjoy other armor and occasionally aircraft as well. As for the rest of me, I try to have a real life outside modeling, and have one daughter and an interest in the sporting failures of the Chicago Bears and Cubs. I love the research that goes with serious modeling, as it is an extension of my professional interests as well. What I lack in modeling talent I like to think I make up for in research! I also spend a fair amount of time creating reproduction historical uniforms (mostly late 18th and early 19th century). Wanna know more about anything? Ask! Otherwise, that should be more than most of you want to know.

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