Spare Parts
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Good to be back....
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Florida, United States
Member Since: March 17, 2004
entire network: 1,305 Posts
KitMaker Network: 0 Posts
Posted: Saturday, September 11, 2004 - 03:50 AM UTC
Ciao everyone,
Well, it sure is good to be back on the web again. Living in Florida, I thought it would have been one of the numerous hurricanes that kept me off the big "A", but I thought wrong!!
I have been at the shooting range all week where I am a shotgun instructor (Yes, they do require practice and skill to be good with!) Anyway, I am worn out from the tension of waiting for someone to shoot someone else or blow a hole in a wall somewhere. Well, we all left with the same amount of holes that we came with. That's the true measure of success.
Secondly, I have been hit with three subpoenas in a row in two days. Both are for court dates next week. One is for a drug bust and the other for DUI. Well, the drunk driver plead out, so I don't have to testify (even though I was ready to plaster him) and the drug bust for possession of MJ (5 grams or less is considered personal use - so just possession and nothing more serious like trafficking or sale).
Anyway, I have been busy. Thanks for listening and letting me vent a little. It's good to be back.
Ciao for now