History Club
Military history and past events only. Rants or inflamitory comments will be removed.
Hosted by Frank Amato
How much should military experience count?
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Virginia, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 03:00 AM UTC
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North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 08:18 AM UTC
Thanks alot Shaun. All hope of sleeping tonight is now gone.

DJ I have considered the thread you suggested, but with the current state of affairs still going on over there I was reluctant as to bring it up due to having current events being brought into the thread. I also agree with you on the that is what they did in the 70's, but what have they done now.

The point I was trying to make is. Just because you are the CINC with having served in the military does not mean that you are a military expert. Acknowledging ,recognizing and maybe as far as admitting it. Goes a long way. That is why you have advisers and experts. A true leader to me knows when to step in and when to let the "experts" around you handle it and support them. As long as they are making progress toward the desired results.

Thanks to Shaun though I will be up all night to think more on it.

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Virginia, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 07:29 PM UTC
Paul-- we have a responsible group of people who participate in the forum. Your question as to the advisability of going to Iraq during Gulf One is an historical inquiry. Feel free to frame your question as a topic and let us join in a lively discussion with you. There are over 225 hits on this topic. People want to hear what we have to say. Drive on!
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Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 07:43 PM UTC
I must agree with you completely upon your last comment...I have been following this thread since you first posted it and must say have completely enjoyed the discussion...I feel if Paul would post his question as a topic it would spurn some compelling and interesting discussion...How about it, Paul??

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Virginia, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 11:03 PM UTC

Quoted Text

I must agree with you completely upon your last comment...I have been following this thread since you first posted it and must say have completely enjoyed the discussion...I feel if Paul would post his question as a topic it would spurn some compelling and interesting discussion...How about it, Paul??


Well, if he does not do it, let's steal his idea and take all the credit.
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Aarhus, Denmark
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Posted: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 - 03:38 AM UTC
Its kinda wierd, we - the Danes - where the first UN troops to bring tanks to Kroatia, we participated in the first gulfwar, we had special forces in Afganistan and F16 and we have troops i Irak .... and I really dont know of our former or present prime minister actually served with the military ....

Maybe it really doesnt matter that much, what matters is the willingnes to do something that really counts - what do I know...

Seen from a european point of view the wjhole idea of only having 2 candidates to chose from seems ...kinda peculiar...

Anyway, hope you folks over there has a clean and decisive victory for whoever you support - and not a muddy mess like last time

Btw - my yank brother in law from Pennsylvania is a diehard republican.... I didn“t need the phone to get his opinion of the "Florida-affair" :-)
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North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 - 05:37 PM UTC
Ok DJ et. al. You twisted my arm. It will be done. I just hope i can word it correctly enough. Sometimes my fingers get a mind of their own.
