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FS: Getting out of hobby--- PE,Transfers,acce
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United States
Member Since: January 03, 2010
entire network: 54 Posts
KitMaker Network: 18 Posts
Posted: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 - 05:14 AM UTC
This is what I have---I would prefer to sell this as a lot as the price will be cheaper--- I have priced this stuff to sell quick-- will take 250.00 for the lot.--Based on retail price this stuff is well over the 375.00

- Aber Jagdpanther barrel--already put together--- 6.00
-Archer--Soviet turret markings AR 35148--- 4.00
-Verlinden-- Soviet vehicle #'s---- #488 x2--- 5.00 each
-Verlinden #288-- Russian tank Slogans--- WWII-- 5.00
-Barrel Depot --M3 75mm bun BD35055----- 4.00
--Jordi rubio--US TANK TG-17 ------------4.00
Barrel Depot--BD 35065 75mm M4 early ---------3.00
--Archer # 35100--- SS ABT-- 501 turret numbers------ 6.00
--Archer---T-34/76 turret markings # AR35036------ 6.00
-Archer-T-34/76 AR 35029 1&2 sheets------ 7.00
--Archer--t-34/76--35028------- 5.00
--Archer---Russian Banners 35027-------------4.00
--ADV German divisional heavy tank Sturmg/headquarters markings---- # 35703------ 6.00
-Archer--- AR 35236----US 2/1/2 ton truck------4.00
--Archer--AR 35180--US late veh.Codes------ 4.00
--Archer--AR35056---- US Reg/Codes------ 4.00
--Archer--AR 35184----- Late War Reg-Codes--- 4.00
--Archer--- AR35052---- US Veh Reg codes----- 4.00
--Archer--AR 350202W---- US reg Codes----4.00
--Archer--AR 35021---- US veh stars---- ----5.00
--Archer---AR 35065---US Bumber codes------4.00
--Archer---Ar 35066---- US Bumper codes------ 4.00
--Archer--AR 35242----GMC Truck Inst/Panel-------4.00
--Archer-- AR 35019----- US Reg.Codes------4.00
--Verinden----- US Army type Stars--#159-----4.00
--Eduard--- 35352--WC-57--------6.00
--Voyager Model--- Panther G--infa-red set---- PEA 072----7.00
--Model Point BS-3 Barrel---- 5.00
--ABER--- --35L-137 --M4 76MM GUN-------6.00
--VOYAGER MODEL---- TME-A054--TIGER I cleaning rod set---- --5.00
--Armorscale-----B35053----75MM Stug 40 L/48------ 6.00
--Tamiya---- 35258----Brass ammo MArder IIII---- x2---5.00 ea
--Voyager--PE 35032---- Star antenna German--- x3-------- 4.00 each
--Aber--- 35l43----Russian KV-I---- 4.00
--Show Modeling---- --032 Stopper A set------ 4.00
--Jordi Rubio----TG-03---5cm L/60 gun-------- 3.00
--Eduard--- TP089---KV-I-------5.00
-- Armorscale----B35039-----Stug 43 L/28 gun------ 6.00
--Aber-- German tool holders---- 35A04------------x3---6.00 ea
--Aber--35013---Pz. IV J set---------- 7.00
--Eduard sd.kfz.222 set---- 6.00
--Alliance Model Works--T-34 35015 set---- x2--5.00 each
--Hussar --ZIS 2/3 1942/43 wheel set---------- 4.00
--Tamiya Cromwell set--------- 35222----- 4.00
--Eduard--- 35008--Schwimwagen set---- 4.00
--Armorscale---Browing M191 machine gun barrels----x2---- 4.00 each
--Aber-- Panther/Jagdpanther rear boxes set--- 35191------5.00
--Aber---Pz.III Grills--G05------- 3.00
--- Voyager--Leopard 2 A/5-6 Basket grills--AP006------4.00
--CMK--ISU 122 A-19 barrel and manlet---------4.00