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Another tank builder...
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California, United States
Member Since: December 16, 2013
entire network: 15 Posts
KitMaker Network: 1 Posts
Posted: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 - 08:49 AM UTC

Hello! I've been slowly getting into model building over the past two years. I pretty much just build tanks-- mostly Cold War or semi-modern armor, but I suppose I might do some WW2 stuff sometime too. I build both 1/72 and 1/35 kits, and I've been getting into a little more customization (not a LOT, but fixing details and stuff, and using aftermarket parts for things like barrels and tracks) lately. I have access to the collection at MVTF.org, so I can get some good specific photo references for lots of tanks and things. (I volunteer there as a docent and amateur tank duster.)

The best example I have of what a year and a half of slow improvement can do is here:

On the right, a 1/72 Trumpeter Type 59 I built in February 2012. On the left, a T-55 (pretty much the same kit) from August 2013.

Somewhere in there I built a CVR(T) Scorpion:

...and Trumpeter's really bad Tiran 5, which I used to try out some weathering techniques so it looks like it's been driving around the desert for years without any maintenance:

Most recently I finished a 1/72 Leopard 1A5 for a friend:

...and now I'm working on a Kanonenjagdpanzer, but I'm not going to post WIP pics quite yet.

I can pick out the stuff I overdid or didn't do quite right on each of those kits-- it's all a learning process, and as long as I get better it's all worthwhile.

Anyway, hello!
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California, United States
Member Since: December 24, 2013
entire network: 20 Posts
KitMaker Network: 4 Posts
Posted: Tuesday, December 24, 2013 - 12:20 PM UTC
Nice job on the tanks. I am mainly a armor builder to, both WWII and modern. Welcome aboard and keep up the nice work.
