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Pilots needed! WW1 and WW2, 1/72
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Pennsylvania, United States
Member Since: October 14, 2013
entire network: 5 Posts
KitMaker Network: 1 Posts
Posted: Saturday, November 02, 2013 - 06:15 AM UTC
I have some kits I was planning on displaying in flight and for use in wargames. But some of them don't include a pilot figure. I need pilots! I only need one or two Germans for some academy Focking Wulfs but I need more for the various WW1 kits that I bought last ebay splurge. I have seen some resin pilots for sale but its annoying to pay almost as much for a pair of pilots as it costs for a whole kit. Especially as I need at least 5.

If you have some pilots in your spares box let me know. I have a decent stock of 1/35 figures in plastic and resin for trade and of course I am not averse to throwing a little money your way. I am new to the forum and I want to earn my welcome so I don't feel right accepting any freebies. Eventually I will be smoking cigarettes with the popular girls outside school but not as yet.

Let me know and thanks in advance!