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Hello from Eastern North Carolina
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North Carolina, United States
Member Since: August 30, 2013
entire network: 51 Posts
KitMaker Network: 11 Posts
Posted: Friday, August 30, 2013 - 10:03 AM UTC
Hey everybody, I'm new to the web site, but not to modeling, though after being out of the hobby for six plus years it seems like I'm a novice, lol.

I'm a prior service Marine whos also spent time in the Army National Guard and Reserves and I'm also a prior service law enforcement officer.

My interests in general include models, history, and shooting. Models and history go hand in hand, as does history and firearms, so either way I look at it my hobbies are a big part of my life.

As far as my taste in models goes, I'm a died in the wool aircraft modeler, but have recently gotten into armor in a BIG way. I've been trying to stay focused, mostly Navy/Marine aircraft and specifically Marine armor, but my armor interest has branched into German, British, Japanese and Cold War Era US and Russian armor, and a light sprinkling of French, AMX-30's.

Anyway I'm glad to be here and hope to contribute.