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LF Paint for Veterans Hobby Program
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Washington, United States
Member Since: September 21, 2010
entire network: 1,846 Posts
KitMaker Network: 208 Posts
Posted: Friday, June 22, 2012 - 02:42 AM UTC
Some of you might already be familiar with my requests here but I am posting again as we are in need of paint, desperately. There is no LHS anywhere close to us and we cannot afford to buy hundreds of dollars worth of paint on our current budget (which as you might have guessed, is small). We cannot get Vallejo, and or Andrea to donate and while Tamiya is willing they just do not have enough product that they can spare right now (we all know about the lack of Tamiya paint).
So, I am hoping that some of you out there might be feeling a bit generous with all of this warm weather and bright sunshine. We are looking for acrylics only and specifically ones that are good for airbrushing. If a bunch of you could donate 4 or 5 bottles each of any of these we would be so very grateful. If you would like more info on our program visit our Facebook page here:


please feel free to ask questions I can be reached at [email protected]

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Pennsylvania, United States
Member Since: January 08, 2005
entire network: 456 Posts
KitMaker Network: 231 Posts
Posted: Friday, June 22, 2012 - 07:53 AM UTC
Hi Damon, shoot me an email with the mailing addy for your organization.
Regards, Ed
[email protected]