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F2H Banshee in 1/48?
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New South Wales, Australia
Member Since: February 04, 2011
entire network: 1 Posts
KitMaker Network: 1 Posts
Posted: Thursday, February 03, 2011 - 02:10 PM UTC
Hi All,
Having a belated look for a new kit of the Banshee in my scale, I homed in on the forthcoming Olinp kit in 1/72. This prompts the questions: What is wrong with the kit producers? Why not a Banshee in 1/48?I can't afford resin, Classic Airframes is off the map,Amtech didn't happen either in 2004! What happened to the tooling, someone must have it? Thank heavens for Testors Hawk!
Being a masochist I am on my second model. It needs just about a new everything, but what a challenge. I am hoping that I can invoke Murphy's Law, which says that just after you have finished a monumental kitbash, someone will bring out the very same kit to modern specs.. We have kits of just about everything that fought in Korea except for this beautiful aircraft, so come on; how about a petition?
'Bye for now,