History Club
Military history and past events only. Rants or inflamitory comments will be removed.
Hosted by Frank Amato
my area of interest
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Florida, United States
Member Since: January 24, 2010
entire network: 65 Posts
KitMaker Network: 26 Posts
Posted: Thursday, January 28, 2010 - 05:27 PM UTC
Well I guess you could say I started early, my first word was "Jet" or so my folks tell me, I am avidly interested in WW2 military aviation,I go to airshows,reenacting meets,bookstores and have many books/magazines
about this era.
I am especially found of fliyng unit emblem designs and thier origins, just one of the branches of service has thousands of designs "Offcially" approved not to mention the "Unofficial"/Unauthorised" types that were made and for various reasons never approved but were used just the same!
I am constanly finding colors and ID's to emblems and new designs from that era to track down either ID and or colors unit assigned to and it's origin,not to mention the "variations" of a lot of them, or a unit would start out in the US with one design and once transffered over the pond would change to a different design altogether ,sometimes to a more aggressive design or because they would change aircraft being used etc.

The veterans I've had the oppotunity to speak with at various meetings are just the Greatest inhelping with thier emblems and contacts,those boys were one of a kind and we're loosing too many of them now days.

This hobby is a Fascinating and enjoyable one to say the least,I can never get enough of hunting them down,it's like finding buried treasure when I can get an ID/colors etc to one I've been working on for some time !

I gladly help anyone who may have a WW2 US flying unit emblem/s that need ID to,no charge and looking forward to replies
[email protected]