Buy, Sell or Trade: Selling: Ships
Ship kits for sale by poster.
1/700 ships F.S. and others or swap for Armor
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California, United States
Member Since: June 24, 2006
entire network: 10 Posts
KitMaker Network: 8 Posts
Posted: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 - 07:43 AM UTC
I never build them so heres the list
postage is for the US Only will have to get a quote from the P.O. for others rates are increasing after the 1st of Jan.
$7.50 for the 1st one additional $2 per additional kit.
#5401 Cutty Sark $15 no scale listed.
rest are all 1/700
#44108 ESSEX $10
#709-A031 AKAGI $10
#44709 YORKTOWN II $10
#7047 TRIPITZ Shrink wraped $15
#7043 BISMARK Shrink wraped $15
#44177 SARATOGA Shrink Wraped $10
#44025 SHOKAKU Shrink Wraped $10
#43082 RYUJYO Shrink Wraped $10
#45106 Japan naval planes $6 ea have 2 sets
#Wl-100 japan naval planes $6
#75050*1300 TAIHO $10
#24 MRC #WLA024.500 SHINANO $10 EA have 2
#377514-1300 ENTERPRISE $10
#7810-950 HORNET $10
#76 MRC#WLA076.650 JUNYO $10
#AO49-700 ZUIKAKU $10
#AO49-500 ZUIKAKU $10

Open to counter offers if ya want to make one can't tell I might just take you up on it. As I know the ships will never get built.

Only items I would be interested in swapping for are the
AFV Truck issues
AFV M35A2 Cargo 2.5 ton 1/35th scale
AFV M35 Gun truck 1/35 scale
72ed scale F86's Mig 15's just about any WWII aircraft except Zeros
on trades we both pay our own postage.
Hope to hear form some of you.
have a great day
Bob in California
home email is harrell928@comcast,net