Spare Parts
For non-modeling topics and those without a home elsewhere.
Well this sucks...
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Stockholm, Sweden
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Posted: Friday, March 27, 2009 - 01:25 PM UTC
Well, isnt braille scale expensive when compared to what you get in the box and the time put down compared to 1/35?

And I do remember longing for those fantastic Tamiya, Italeri and Esci kits in 1/35 that were top of the notch when yours truly where young and beutiful!

But I bought a lot of 1/72 and 1/76 from Esci Fujimi and Matchbox.

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California, United States
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Posted: Friday, March 27, 2009 - 02:32 PM UTC
Hi Ollie,

Getting a part time job is the single best way to increase your buying power. Just about any part time job will offer you the chance to learn useful skills so you actually benefit twice over. During school breaks I painted houses and worked in a local shipyard building sailboats. I learned basic woodworking, welding, fiber-glassing, painting, and many other great skills.

You seem set on Dragon kits so I will not steer you off that goal. Make a list of everything you want, including MSRP and approximate release date. Write, "Do I Really Want This / Will I Ever Build It", in bold letters at the top of the list. This is a reality check--do not buy just for the sake of buying. In most cases, DML kits remain in wide circulation for 2-3 years after release. In the current economy you probably have more time. This will help you set priority on what to buy first. Next, start looking for deals. Most DML kits eventually show up at 40% to 50% off, but you have to be patient. Make the oldest kits the highest priority and work backward. If a great deal comes along on something newer, consider your available funds and make an informed decision. Always try to keep a savings reserve in case a great deal comes along. Replenish that reserve first if you dip into it.

There are other ways to save on kits: if you can find a few trustworthy friends you can pool your orders to get free shipping. Many model clubs have an annual auction to generate cash for meetings and shows. You can often find great deals on older kits at shows. Frequent Buy/Sell/Trade groups.

The single best way to save money on kits is to not buy what you will never build. So many modelers buy the latest and greatest or make impulse buys, stick it in a stash, lose interest, then sell it off at half the original value a few years later. That is a huge waste of hard earned money. I am not advocating against a stash--just keep it reasonable. You have a lifetime of model building ahead of you and the models will only get better!

Good luck and have fun!

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Provincia de Lugo, Spain / España
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Posted: Saturday, March 28, 2009 - 01:30 AM UTC

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Apply to armorama as a reviewer or something???

Hey armorama admin, give Tiny Tim a break in these hard times and let him review a kit so he may further his hobby and provide us all with useful information.... shall we take a vote on this?

Let me make things clear to you. As you're obviously (as usual) trying to provoke a reaction, here you are.

Reviewing is not some source for Freebies. Anyone that comes into Reviewing with that intention is going to rapidly get acquainted with the reality of the situation. Other sites may use freebies as a way of control or ensuring 'site loyalty'. We don't.

You can call for as many votes as you want - it isn't done that way and never will be.
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New Jersey, United States
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Posted: Saturday, March 28, 2009 - 02:25 AM UTC
I dont have an income either. Somehow i always manage to have a stash to privide my needs when cash is short. I always ask for plain cash for my birthday and christmas and scrounge on a couple kits to stock up. Visits to the grandparents are not only fun but are a great chance to gain some extra $$. I now have a job as a lifeguard, and patiently waiting the season to open.....only a few more months!
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Cosenza, Italy
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Posted: Saturday, March 28, 2009 - 02:30 AM UTC
You know, there was a period when I bought "all" the new kits coming out. And I still haven't built them. So now I am looking at a stash which is rather old, with some items available in better versions already.
Don't splurge on the newest kits if you don't plan on building them within a year or two. Newer items will come along, and what's more, traders on model expos will likely offer your 60 quid kit for 30 quid within the same time period.

Cheers, Rob
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Western Australia, Australia
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Posted: Saturday, March 28, 2009 - 02:50 AM UTC
G'day Ollie,

I am 16 and receive $0 pocket money per week. *violins*

I do work during the Christmas holidays, but that money is going towards my future house, uni, car, wife etc.

Last year I started up a small service, providing engravings for dioramas. In my first 2 months of business, I was able to earn enough to support my hobby for about 6 months.

This is because I have written a list with all my diorama ideas for 2009-2010. I require about 10 model kits to complete the list. First, I will buy all the kits required to complete diorama #1 and begin working on diorama #1. Throughout the year, as I work on dio #1, I will buy the kits required to complete dio #2, but only when the kits go on sale or are at bargain prices. When I have finished dio #1, and have the required kits for #2, I start on #2. This is my systematic approach to keeping costs down, and to avoid having a ridiculously enormous stash (fire hazard).

You could also try selling things on ebay. Last year, I sold a heap of surplus home made static grass, rubble and old 1/72 models I built ages ago. That put about $50 back in my wallet.


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Western Australia, Australia
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Posted: Saturday, March 28, 2009 - 03:14 AM UTC
G'day Neil,

Kitmaker has a good system here requiring the potential reviewer to meet the following criteria:

-Personal interest in the model kit/ reference book subject.

-Willingness to undertake significant research in order to pass a fair judgement/assessment of the product.

As well as this, it is desirable to have a basic standard of writing, ability to take quality photographs and a quick turn around time.

If Ollie wants to review a kit, he has to prove he can meet this criteria. When I first joined this site, I was able to prove myself as a reviewer by submitting a review of an old RPM product. The submission was approved and the review topped the "Most Read" list for a number of weeks.

Ollie, go ahead and submit a couple of kit reviews. If they are not accepted, don't give up, try again and you will get better! (My first two feature articles were rejected, but this only made me want improve!) In no time, you will be writing first-class reviews on the latest releases from DML and Masterbox!

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England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, March 28, 2009 - 05:11 AM UTC

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Apply to armorama as a reviewer or something???

Hey armorama admin, give Tiny Tim a break in these hard times and let him review a kit so he may further his hobby and provide us all with useful information.... shall we take a vote on this?

Niel sorry to but in but this isn't a charity its a forum deicated to modelling, this site does nto make any profit and runs off hard work and dedecated staff that give up there free time to help run this site and it doesn't need people like you to try to squeeze freebies out of people im affriad olly has to do what we all do, work and earn that money both my parents have been made redundant and yet i have a job whilst im at college to support my hobby and you do not need to buy a kit every week sometimes i push at buying one a month!

if your willing to send the guy a free kit by all means do that but dont try to take from those that can't give

but you don't get my vote

Rant over

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Provincia de Lugo, Spain / España
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Posted: Saturday, March 28, 2009 - 05:15 AM UTC

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Niel sorry to but in but this isn't a charity its a forum deicated to modelling, this site does nto make any profit and runs off hard work and dedecated staff that give up there free time to help run this site and it doesn't need people like you to try to squeeze freebies out of people im affriad olly has to do what we all do, work and earn that money both my parents have been made redundant and yet i have a job whilst im at college to support my hobby and you do not need to buy a kit every week sometimes i push at buying one a month!

Thank you James - you've made a good point. Don't worry, we don't feel squeezed in the slightest
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England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, March 28, 2009 - 05:17 AM UTC
no problem Jim, im sorry it p me off a little bit because some poeple expect things for nothing unlike foke that work for it!

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Western Australia, Australia
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Posted: Saturday, March 28, 2009 - 12:55 PM UTC

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Thank you Chas. Somebody that has taken my suggestion for a practical solution for Ollie seriously and how to do it.

I'm sorry Neil but your suggestion did imply that Kitmaker should hand out freebies.

The point of my reply was to show the proper steps to becoming a reviewer of new model kits.

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Illinois, United States
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Posted: Saturday, March 28, 2009 - 02:12 PM UTC
Maybe you should try selling some old kits in the BUY/SELL/TRADE forum Ollie...that's what I'm trying to do right now so I can buy a humvee kit...or buy some kits that others are selling cheap
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Michigan, United States
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Posted: Sunday, March 29, 2009 - 01:56 PM UTC
Welcome to the real world...Go to work. Or maybe you could just ask Obama for help...?
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England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Sunday, March 29, 2009 - 02:11 PM UTC
The observant among you may have noticed that this thread has been moved to the 'Spare Parts' forum. That is because that is where it belongs..

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England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, March 30, 2009 - 12:23 AM UTC
Henk, I wodered why the thread had vanished

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England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, March 30, 2009 - 01:31 AM UTC

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Welcome to the real world...Go to work. Or maybe you could just ask Obama for help...?

very clever,
the amount of unemployed is getting higher and higher every day, the amount of applicants going for one single job where i live is phenominal,
and i take it you were against obama,
and if your welcoming whomever to the real world, obviously showing your experience, i take it you know that there can be a lot of setbacks in the real world , and people who are out to put everyone down, so wouldnt it be nice to welcome everyone pleasanly into the real world!

here is mine!:D

hello everyone, its not very nice out here, and watch out for people who want to put you down, its gonna be a struggle, but if we stick together we can battle on thru it and stick together!
( i mean come on, we belong to a pretty good crew here at the big A!)
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Provincia de Lugo, Spain / España
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Posted: Monday, March 30, 2009 - 01:37 AM UTC
Before we start on the REAL downhill slope, a reminder on the rules of this Forum:

Quoted Text

As an off-topic forum you can post almost anything non-modeling related in these forums. However keep in mind the following:

1. No current events or political rantings

2. Want to make an introduction of yourself? Check out the Introductions forum

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Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Monday, March 30, 2009 - 02:44 AM UTC
Welcome to the stage off growing up Ollie . At some point we were in the same boat as you . very limited income , just like now as well . There are ways of getting the extra cash you need and the guy's have made some great suggestions ! The things we want in life we have to work for them .
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England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 - 01:06 AM UTC
Juggler wind it in please

If you want to make irrlevent comments like that go join another site that puts up with that
because we sure dont!

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Stockholm, Sweden
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Posted: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 - 01:15 AM UTC

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Welcome to the stage off growing up Ollie . At some point we were in the same boat as you . very limited income , just like now as well . There are ways of getting the extra cash you need and the guy's have made some great suggestions ! The things we want in life we have to work for them .

And when we have worked for them we will apreciate and maintain them more!

My son, at the age of 12, sold magazines before christmas last year and earned 140:- € and a X-box as a bonus.

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Indiana, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 - 01:36 AM UTC
Play nice people.
I will lock this thread if it gets any further out of hand.
Thanks in advance,
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Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 - 02:13 AM UTC
Ollie another great site to go and have a peak at is . Lots of stuff for sale there . I have made lots of trades and bought lots of kits on there at very fair prices .
Lots of guys form the UK are on there .

For here in Canada with some of the clubs they have programs called Kits for Kids who are young modellers as you but don't have the funds to purchace the kits . Once a year members go thought their stash and donate the kits they will never build to give the young guys a chance to enjoy the hobby .

Maybe Kitmarker can start a program for the young members getting them more involved in the hobby ...................................................