Tools & Supplies: Airbrushes
Talk about airbrushes.
Hosted by Matt Leese
Airbrush mishap.. universal 360
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Pennsylvania, United States
Member Since: October 05, 2002
entire network: 2,659 Posts
KitMaker Network: 865 Posts
Posted: Saturday, May 17, 2003 - 04:09 AM UTC
Hello all...

Just thought I'd share my airbrushing mishap with everyone today, just to amuse you all....LOL

1st thing was I finally finished my sherman track links and was ready to put the base coat on.

so I decided to use the Badger Universal 360 Airbrush I got a couple weeks ago.. this was the first chance i'd got to use it.

And if that wasn't enough I also decided to use Tamiya Acrylic paint.. for those who don't know i'm a firm beleiver in Model Master Enamal's.. because I love em.. got about 150 bottles of the stuff...

So I got everything ready.. thinned the bottle of paint a bit... attached the sphyon lid.. because I was using the paint from the bottle.. started painting.......

THEN..... the sython decided to detach from the airbrush. .. fell on the floor... the lid broke.... spilled paint all over the linoliem in the laundry room and all over my foot.....

Then The wife arrived home while I was in the process of cleaning it up.... (enough said here)

luckly I had an extra lid and didn't spill all the paint and I was able to continue..

How did the tracks come out........... thats the good news......GREAT..

The 360 worked like a charm... got a nice even coverage... the Tamiya paint that I used for the first time was perfectly thinned and sprayed out so smooth that I feel bad that I'm going to have to cover the base coat with weathering..............

and thats the story for today........ hope yall got a chuckle or two.......