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FS: 1/35th DML/Tamiya/Italeri kits (USA only)
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Maryland, United States
Member Since: June 02, 2006
entire network: 672 Posts
KitMaker Network: 76 Posts
Posted: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 - 12:07 AM UTC
Hi all,

Cleaning out the basement. 70+ kits, some have to go. All have sealed parts (except Italeri, b/c we know how they are shipped). A couple even have their boxes still sealed. What doesn't go here will probably end up on ebay. Here is my list, with a pic of the bundle:


6048 M4A1 75mm Early (have 2, both sealed) $26 each (ONE SOLD)
6052 JS-1 (M-1943) rare OOP $45
6062 M4A2 Tarawa $25 (SOLD)
6329 M2A1 HT Smart Kit $25 (SOLD)
6083 M4A1 76w Op. Cobra $22 (SOLD)
6221 Sdkfz 234/4 $22 (SOLD)


35281 Stug III B (sealed) $22 (SOLD)
35200 Wespe SP Gun $20


295 T-34/85 (box sealed) $10 (SOLD)
231 M3A1 Scout Car (a few parts loose but in ziploc bags) $10 (SOLD)

Buyer to pay shipping. $7 per kit USPS Priority Mail in CONUS sounds about right (might be more to Alaska or Hawaii, but I'll ask and find out if that comes up). Payment by check or M.O., and I'll hold until they clear.

Email me direct at biggsgalassi AT yahoo DOT com

Thanks for looking.
