Spare Parts
For non-modeling topics and those without a home elsewhere.
Tyres, measurements - and I need a coffee!
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England - South East, United Kingdom
Member Since: March 13, 2007
entire network: 391 Posts
KitMaker Network: 60 Posts
Posted: Sunday, April 06, 2008 - 12:38 AM UTC
Hello guys,

I've usually got a knack of involving Arorama in nearly every project I have going---here's my latest!

I'm building a large wooden truck for my son (next project will be something on caterpillar tracks-but that's another story!) and I need some decent-looking wheels for it. Large toy wheels here in the UK tend to be very basic-looking so I started to wonder about looking in other directions. You can get these in the states which look fantastic-but their range doesn't go large enough.

I started to think about the truck tyres you can get for r/c vehicles. My thought was I could buy the tyres and then fabricate the hubs out of wood.

I'm not up on scales like 1:10 or 1:8 so I can't figure out what size spare tyres for those kits would actually be---I need something in the range of 3inches/75mm diameter.

Can anyone advise me on this? Once I know what scale of kit would supply the size tyres I need I can look for cheap makes (it's only a toy-so they don't need to be high-performance!) and suppliers.

As ever--thanks in advance for your help - I'm rarely disappointed!



PS SNOW!!?!!?! Who'd have thought it. Once my boy's awake he'll be getting pulled around by Daddy in a washbowl on a rope...