Community Forum: Canada
Want to meet up with modelers in your country or region? This is the place.
New Website for Maritime Modellers
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New Brunswick, Canada
Member Since: December 23, 2007
entire network: 24 Posts
KitMaker Network: 9 Posts
Posted: Sunday, December 23, 2007 - 04:37 AM UTC
Hey everyone,

There's a little project started at www.maritimemodellers.com The intent is to have a single website with seperate pages for each of the clubs and events that happen in the Maritime Provinces. To pull it all together, there is a forum for the exchange of discussions and ideas pertaining to our geographically large group of groups. The intent is not, and could never be, to try to replace Armorama, Finescale, or any of the other great websites that are backed by millions of contributors.

Please check it out, and register for the forums. You don't need to be a member of any of the clubs. In fact, we've had a club form itself by using the forums! And, that's the point.....making the connections between modellers in the Maritimes. Please come and participate, and if you are a member of a club who we haven't met yet, you are more than welcome. I'll make space on the website for your club, and give you a private area in the forums if you'd like.